Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hello Summer!

So, as anyone in the area has noticed, the heat's back on, significantly warmer then the unseasonable heat we saw back on May 26th... and it's only going to get worse. Even though temperatures are going to be roughly what they were on Monday, the dew point is going to continue inching higher up, making it feel muggier, and much more oppressive. With temps expected to be close from 95-100, and dew points around 70, it'll feel as if it was over 100-105 in the shade, leading to a heat advisory for all of CT (except S New London County), and the surrounding area down to NYC and Nassau County for Tuesday from 11AM-7PM Tuesday.

Earlier, on Saturday and Sunday, where it was in the high 80's-low 90's, it felt cooler that due to dew points in the low 50's, maybe even 40's at times. We're not getting that luxury for the next few days.

It gets worse though considering that temperatures during the night hours aren't expected to drop down below comfortable levels. As of this writing, at midnight, Danbury Airport ASOS is reporting a temp of 73 F, and an oppressive dew point of 67 F. With that factored in, it actually feels a degree warmer then that, with an apparent temp (or heat index) of 74 F.

So what can you do during the day to help?
  • Make sure that the AC is running when you're at home.
  • A dehumidifier may help as well if it still feels warm around the house, even though the air itself is cool (but A/C's do indirectly act like a dehumidifier).
  • Make sure to not run necessary devices (dryers, etc) during the peak hours (approximately noon to 8 PM), as this will help limit overstressing your local power grid/plants, and also possibly save you tripping a fuse or two throughout the day.
  • Drink lots of water or power drinks. Avoid soda as these may actually dehydrate you.
  • Remember your pets! They'll be dealing with the heat as bad as you, if not more so. Keep them watered and in the shade.
  • If it's necessary to be outside in this weather, focus more on the early hours and very late in the afternoon, as temperatures will be lower, plus the sun won't beat down on you.

Sadly, this weather pattern is set to continue for a few days, with no real relief until a cold front approaches (currently expected around Saturday), so until then, keep cool and keep safe.

Footer Fun Fact: It's rare to see actual, raw temperatures this high in Connecticut. In fact, Bradley Airport has had 2 days over 100 F in the past decade (2001 and 2006). Last time it exceeded 100 F in July was all the way back in 1993.

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